Exercises to prepare for labour are so beneficial for a better birth. Labour is like a marathon it requires endurance, and the stronger your body is the better prepared it will be for birthing. I share 7 exercises to prepare for labour and the benefits of the exercises for preparing for birthing.

9 exercises to prepare for labour

Labor Exercise 1 Puppy Pose

exercises to prepare for labor puppy pose
Puppy pose

Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana) is a great back bend exercise to prepare for labour because it creates room for your baby bump.

It ignites the heart chakra through opening up the chest and lengthening the torso, giving room for baby to move.

It stretches the arms, shoulders spine, abdomen and upper back, which all support lift out of the pelvis releasing the hips.

Try this pose for 5 breathes.

Exercise 2 to prepare for labour Frog stretch

Frog pose

Frog pose (Mandukasana) is so great for helping back pain as it alleviates tightness in the lower back whilst strengthening it at the same time.

It opens up the pelvic region strengthening the muscles for labor and gives space for baby to move.

Exercise 3 Wide legged pose labour preparation

exercises to prepare for labor wide legged pose
Wide legged pose

Wide legged pose is a mamas best friend for strengthening the groin, inner thighs and hamstrings.

It’s super for supporting better posture as it supports the spine to be upright thus adding strength to it.

In addition it gives length to the torso stimulating the abdominal organs and lengthens the back.

You can simply sit in tis position for 5-15 minutes.

If you feel you need a bit more reach over to the right as seen in the photo, breathe for 3-7 breathes.

Come back to centre and on your next exhale reach over the other way, breathe for 3-7.

Exercise 4 Pelvic tilt

exercises to prepare for labor pelvic tilt
Pelvic tilt exercise

Pelvic tilts strengthen abdominal muscles and help relieve backache during pregnancy and labor.

As your pregnancy progresses and the baby gets bigger, the extra weight can strain your pelvis.

Having strong pelvic floor muscles are crucial for pregnancy, birth and postnatally.

The Pelvic Tilt can be crucial to relieving that stress. Check out this video for a demonstration on how to do a variation of the Pelvic Tilt!

Exercise 5 deep squat to birth better

exercises to prepare for labor squat with partner holding hands

Squatting helps open your pelvis up, allowing more room for your baby to descend.

Stand with your legs wider than hip-width apart holding hands with your partner is an option.

Squat to your bite. By holding hands it also increases length to the torso relieving the back.

It strengthens the tendons ligaments and bones of the legs. Aswell as the butt cheeks, obliques. and hips.

Exercise 6 butterfly pose strong legs in labour

exercises to prepare for labor butterfly pose
Butterfly pose

Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana) is perfect for strengthening your muscles in your back, thighs, and pelvis.

It improves posture and keeps your pelvic joints flexible. Both can aid in an easier delivery.

Simply, sit on the floor and put the bottom of your feet together so they are touching.

You can firstly butterfly your legs like a flying butterfly. Avoid bouncing your knees up and down, as this can be counterproductive and strain your muscles. 

Then come back to still legs.

Focus on trying to work your knees towards the ground with your exhale.

You can do this by pressing your feet together, which ignites the inner thighs creating space for the knees to go a bit lower.

Exercise 7 Wall sit

Wall sits are comparable to squatting since they also open your pelvis and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen. Remember you’re preparing for a marathon thats why its here.

This exercise is also great for toning your legs! Powerhouse for birthing. Please note only squat to your comfortable and you slide up the wall to get back up. Don’t come away from the wall use it as an aid to pus up using the strength of your lower body.

Lean your back against a wall, leaving about 2 feet between your feet and the wall. Slide down until you are in a seated position, hold for 20-1 minute, and then slowly slide back up.

A chair can be helpful with this one, too.  Even easier, place an exercise ball in between your back and the wall and roll up and down instead of slide.

Repeat 10 times or whatever feels comfortable for you. 

Placing a birth ball between your back and the wall can make this exercise even easier – you’ll need to place your feet farther away from the wall, of course, and then just roll instead of slide up and down.

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere