A labor inducing meditation can support you birth calmer. I share the 5 best benefits of meditating and the 3 best meditations to try.

Why meditating is a moms power?

The power of meditation for inner work is immense. I highly recommend starting in from trimester 1 as it enables better listening within.

Which mama doesn’t need more inner listening skills.

By the time you reach labor you’ll be your own powered pro from adding it into your morning daily habits.

Heres 5 benefits meditating can bring you:

  1. Hones you in to the present
  2. By focusing on breathing, it creates increased self awareness
  3. Supports you better to cope with stress
  4. Reduces negative feelings
  5. Builds increased inner understanding

The best labor inducing meditation

Meditation 1; Think Lotus

labor inducing meditation lotus flower
Lotus flower

The lotus flower is symbolic in yoga for its ability to flourish in the mud.

This labor inducing meditation can support you, to focus on your pelvis opening and expanding out like a lotus flower.

Visuliase a beautiful flower opening on every inhale.

Closing on exhale as the breathe dives deeply into the perineum, aiding baby to move dow.

Inhale as you create space for baby to move further.

Relax Your “Third Eye”

Third eye

How is your third eye? Do you ever bring attention to it?

The third eye is located in the middle of the forehead.

There’s known to be magic behind the 3rd eye as the pineal gland located here.

It has been called the “Seat of the Soul” by Renee Descartes. Here’s a more in-depth functional reading information

located here. It is known for creating the hormone melatonin, regulates sleep and much more.

Bringing your breath and attention to your forehead can improve energy levels. Definitely useful for labor.

Belly breathing Visualise your baby

This labor inducing meditation of belly breathing is a saving grace throughout pregnancy. How many times have you heard me speak about belly breathing magic?

Belly breathing is so useful for grounding energy and calming your nervous system. This is why it’s especially great to do, in labor.

Place your hands on your belly and breathe into them. Connecting mind to hands, belly and baby.

Life is simple, keep breathing into your baby.

Visualise your breathe as medicine for you and baby.

You can do this breathe into your baby.

Exercises to bring on labour

Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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