Smoothie goodness: Why I began creating freestyle and are now a saviour in mom life.

smoothie goodness baby with arms up in an asking body language, why with hands
Why do you smoothie mum?

Smoothies goodness is now a drink I cannot live without. They have transformed my body and mind through the years and now as a mum, are a health savour of smoothie goodness with time saving, nutritious packed, abundance of natures magic creation, in a bottle.

Smoothie goodness making my why?

smoothie goodness ask "why before how" writing on a napkin with a pen and a coffee cup

Our why has to be bigger than our why not.

It’s January the time many of us set up new year resolutions at starting the gym, getting fitter and changing our habits. I spoke about this in Healthy mum mindset for flourishing in the new year direction

However I started smoothie making in 2005 after sustaining a brain injury in 2002 as I found eating very challenging. It would literally take me hours to eat a meal and after eating, i’d fall asleep from tiredness.

When life resumed a bit more normality in 2005 and i began a full time college course, I started making smoothies daily.

It was a way to obtain more nutrition and limit the time and challenges of chewing fruit and vegetables.

Fruit and vegetables are high in water and hence more slippery in texture, which added to my tongue tastic challenge of eating them, whole.

Smoothie goodness tongue tastic. Puppy sticking out tongue

But I also knew they were full of necessary vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help our body heal better. I understood that starting this new healthy habit would support me to begin to create good mental habits on my healing journey ahead.

Mum needs smoothie goodness

Now I’m a busy working mum , smoothies are a nutrient lifeline for fitting around a demanding lifestyle. Being able to smoothie on the go, is so useful.

In pregnancy when the demands on the bodies change and start, smoothies are fabulous pick me up and energy fuelled bottles of magic potion, replenishing us when our bodies requires extra nutrients.

Then as our baby turns into the testing triumphant toddler times of running us ragged with, I hope, an immense amount of energy.

Beaming with resistance and joy for life and having learned their favourite word by then “no” to everything.

Before the real testing threenage years arrive, which by the way, nobody ever speaks about. I just felt so grateful for having my health and smoothie goodness knowledge.

What is your why?

smoothie goodness making
Smoothie goodness making

One of the most challenges part of my rehabilitation was to stop looking out there for answers and connect with my why.

What is your why for instigating change in your life? It is our why that feeds our drive to change.

Looking at our self and reflecting why within in all aspects of our life, is crucial for inner growth.

Why do I smoothie every day?

How come I feel this way?

Why do i choose to eat this food?

This is why yoga can be so beneficial. It can be a gentle reminder of our accountability and responsibility for our life.

Asking our why is much more challenging than looking out.

So i ask you to pause for a few minutes and ask yourself:

Why do you want to start making smoothies?

There are many reasons why we can start smoothie making

The smoothie ‘goodness’ of fruit only sugar overload

When I started smoothie making in my twenties I used a lot of fruit. However what I noticed was i’d feel great for a couple of hours and then would significantly dip in mood.

Back then in my twenties I believed drinking a pint of fruit smoothie was so good for me and healthy.

It wasn’t till I spoke to a friend studying to be a dietician at university that she pointed out the high level of sugar and acid content in fruit.

What I was experiencing was a sugar high and enamel erosion.

Theres this article Your Smoothie Is a Sugar Bomb. Here’s How to Make It Healthy on sugars in smoothies.

Also this article discusses high and low sugared fruits 25 Popular fruits- ranked by sugar content- The Western diet is packed with sugar, but what does that mean for eating sweet, antioxidant-rich fruits?

Drinking such an amount (1 pint) first thing in the morning wasn’t as healthy as I thought. She advised having the same amount, but spacing it out through the day.

So I started having 250 ml in the morning and after exercising, i’d consume the other half in the afternoon.

I felt better.

As the years went by, my tongue grew in strength and I began eating most of my fruit whole and making smoothies with vegetables.

These days, smoothies are literally my sanity saviour and I notice when I don’t have a smoothie as a mum on the go, because of how much better I feel having had it.

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

4 replies on “Smoothie goodness: Why I began creating freestyle and are now a saviour in mom life.”

    1. Im so happy to hear it has been useful and helpful for you. Be sure to subscribe to receive my top ten smoothies plus vitamins and mineral info booklet

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