How to do Sitali breath and the benefits in pregnancy

How does sitali pranayam benefit you in pregnancy?. How to do cooling breathe and what are the benefits for you and your baby? What is cooling breath technique? Sitali is a type of breathing exercise that helps cooling and moisturising the body. It does this by encouraging water in the body to flow more fluidly. …

How to do golden thread breathe to be a calmer mom

Golden thread breathe is medicine for any mom. It works with calming your nervous system and honing in to your breathe by visualising a golden thread as you exhale it out through parted lips. Where did it originate? Uma Dinsmore-Tuli’s book Mother’s Breath first spoke about this breathing technique. A calmer mom generally means a …

Kundalini breath of fire don’t do in pregnancy mamma

Kundalini breath of fire is powerful pranayama technique. I have a personal intimate relationship with this breathing work, sharing my story. What are the benefits? And why is it not advised in pregnancy? What is kundalini breathe of fire? Kundalini breathe of fire is a type of pranayama (control breathe) technique used to work with …