How to make Smoothie green goodness for mums on the go-fuel your body

drinking a green goodness smoothie
Smoothie green goodness

Smoothie green goodness for mums health and wealth on the go, are a must have for me, as a busy mum. In this blog I share my 2 favourite green smoothie homemade recipes with over 17 years experience creating them. I give you my favourite homemade green smoothies that keep me nourished as a mum on the go. Tips to avoid and tricks for making your own ultimate smoothies at home.

Table of Contents

    Why smoothies work as a busy mum?

    Smoothies are fabulous for busy mums.

    They not only change our body weight naturally, they are a quick efficient way, of absorbing raw nutrition.

    Our why has to be bigger than our why not.

    Fruit and vegetables naturally detox, and nourish the body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, that our body needs, to thrive.

    By feeding your body with green goodness and giving it what it needs, it’ll support you better as a mum deal with the demands that come with being a mum and support you thrive on the go.

    Smoothie green goodness benefits for mums body

    As busy mums its vital we get our nutrition.

    Like most mums, time is our biggest battle. Especially as a single mum, as I, and so many other mums are.

    Smoothies are a great way to gain more vitamins and minerals.

    Benefits of smoothies are:

    • Quick to drink
    • Easy to make
    • Packed with raw foods full of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals
    • Can be carried on the go with a Smoothie Travel Blender carrier
    • Nutritious and delicious
    • Full of fibre and low in GI
      • This will support you to feel fuller for longer and are easier to digest
    • No added Sugar
    • Can help lose weight

    Nutrition facts of green smoothies

    But why green?

    The smoothie green goodness for mums on the go trick is in the colour.

    The colour green in vegetables and fruit are a sign of iron content and many more other nutrients.

    different coloured fruit and vegetables
    Eat a rainbow of colour


    Are you interested to learn about what a colour of a foods nutrient benefits are? Check out this article for a much more comprehensive read.

    As woman we need more iron in our diet.

    This is due to most of us mum’s having a menstral cycle each month, so we lose blood.

    The colour green will help to top up our red blood cells which in turn will helps our energy, mood, sleep and immune system.

    If it isn’t topped up it can lead to anemia

    The common phrase “eat a rainbow” reminds us to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables to sustain the needs of our bodies health and wellbeing.

    Smoothie green goodness recipes to help busy mums

    These are my two favourite smoothie green goodness recipes that I love to make at home.

    They may look similar in ingredients, but they taste very different.

    Try them for yourself:

    Green goodness smoothie recipe
    Green smoothie recipe

    Do you like these smoothie green goodness recipes?


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    smoothie free booklet when you subscribe
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    Smoothie tips and tricks for preparing a great blend

    • Using fresh fruit juice will really help balance out and create sweetness to your smoothie.
      • My favourites are fresh apple or pineapple juice, but you can use any fresh fruit juice.
      • Play around and see what you prefer best.
    • Using frozen fruits can decrease the finances and limit waste
    • A banana really helps to create a smooth consistency in the smoothie.
      • It acts as a binder, thickening the smoothie.
      • I use a banana in most of mine.
    • Just because smoothies are healthy, doesn’t mean they have to taste horrible.
      • There are so many concoctions i wouldn’t do, like adding broccoli or cabbage to my smoothie. But believe me i’ve tried them, courtesy of friends. This is because they’re naturally bitter in taste and very fibrous and really don’t titivate the tastebuds well, cold and blended. Maybe they do you, try and see for yourself.
      • I’d prefer to leave them for super soups. 
    • Bitter greens can be sweeter
      • Some green vegetables are more bitter than others. For. instance spinach is sweeter than kale.
    • There are added ingredients of extra goodness you can add to your smoothies and many more. I like to add some alternatives to my smoothies depending on how I’m feeling. Such as:
      • Nuts
      • Ground up chia seeds
      • pumpkin/sunflower seeds
      • Coconut Water
      • Coconut Milk
      • Spiralina
      • Wheatgrass
    • Get yourself a good blender that works for you at home.

    Why I use a handheld blender for smoothie green goodness

    A Braun handheld blender has so many uses and benefits for busy mums. Such as:

    • Easy to clean
      • The blender detaches and can be put straight under water to rinse residue
    • Immovable
      • Can move anywhere with ease and I mean anywhere.
        • I take ours travelling!
    • Cheap and simple
      • Like life can be
    • Effective
      • At blending and mixing properly
    • Efficient
      • Braun handheld blender comes with a whisk, beaker, chopper, not that I take these travelling but definitely handy at home and is dishwasher friendly with a 36 month guarantee
    • Versatile
      • Can make soups, desserts, smoothies, sauces, weaning foods, marinades

    Whats the difference between smoothies and juicing?

    Theres a whole fad of juicing to lose weight and exercise but there’s also a high rate of constipation that can come with it.

    The main difference between smoothies and juicing is the fibrous content.

    The fibre comes from the pulp of the fruit and veg which smoothies maintain, but juicing discards, hence less fibre content which can lead to constipation .

    Remember to subscribe for your free smoothie book

    This post may contain affiliate links which means I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only promote products I love and feel will benefit my readers.

    Published by Danielle

    I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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