Pregnancy exercises with your partner how to grow stronger together

Pregnancy yoga exercises in the company of partner supporting pregnant partner with posture

Pregnancy exercises in the company of partner are so great to do together. There are many different yoga ways you can exercise in pregnancy in the company of your partner, and so many benefits for you both. This article can show you how.

Pregnancy exercises in the company of partner

Exercising in pregnancy together with your partner can keep you both healthy, connect with your baby via each others breathe and boost both of your self esteem, bonding experience and confidence by working out together.

You can both do these exercises sitting, lying and with a birthing ball exercises.

There are so many benefits.

Benefits of Pregnancy yoga exercises in the company of your partner

Fitness in pregnancy is crucial for mum and baby and its also a fabulous time to practice partner work.

Having a supportive partner to practice exercises with can encourage:

  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Self confidence
  • Self esteem
  • Calm the nervous system
  • Bring connection and support for your new journey ahead
  • Physical wellness
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Better health hollistically

For all of you.

Why these exercises?

These yoga workout exercises, done together when pregnant can be carried out in the comfort of your home. The ease this can bring to exercise anytime anywhere when it suits you both is ideal especially as your pregnancy progresses.

Exercising together can aid strength to the body through each trimester for a pregnant women and build an ever changing connection for both of you.

Healthy couples equals content beings. What better present to give your growing baby.

Sitting together exercises in the company of your partner

Pregnancy yoga exercises partners sitting back to back breathing
Partner exercise
  • Sitting either facing or back to back
    • Breathe in for 5 and out for 5
    • Repeat ten times
    • Connect and sync breathes
  • Facing each other
    • Put your hand on each others heart
    • Breathe in for 6 and out for 6
    • For seven breathes
  • Holding hands facing each other
    • Inhale as you rock your booty towards your partner and as you exhale move back
    • 10 times
    • Stay with your breathe
  • Holding hands facing each other
    • Circle your hips
    • Moving your torso in a clockwise direction
    • For 5 circles
    • Switch direction
    • For 5 circles
    • One breathe (inhale and exhale) one circle
  • Holding opposite hand to partner
    • move hands to the right
    • hold for 3 breathes
    • feel the lateral stretch
    • Swap hands and move left
    • repeat for 3 breathes
  • Twist
    • Place your hand on your partners knee
    • Gentle twist
    • Hold for 3 breathes
    • Swap sides

Standing pregnancy yoga exercises in the company of partner

  • Stand back to back
    • Interlock your arms
    • Feel the chest stretch
    • For 5 breaths
    • Both of you lean over to the right
    • Hold and breathe for 3
    • Inhale back to centre exhale other way
    • Hold pose for 3 breathes
Partner workout together holding on to each others waist in tree pose
Partner exercise tree pose
  • Tree pose (Vrikshasana)
    • Holding hands or arm over each others shoulders
    • Place your inner foot on inner shin or thigh
    • Hold for 3- 5 breathes
    • Swap sides
  • Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana)
    • Holding each others hands
    • Warrior 1 pose
    • Feel the strength from your partner
    • Keeping both of you steady in the middle
    • Hold for 3-5 breathes
    • Swap opposite foot
  • Sacrum stretch
    • Standing in-front of your pregnant partner
    • Holding onto partners hands
    • Arms stretched in-front at shoulder height
    • Pregnant partner body is in a 90 degree angle head and waist at same height
    • Mums feet are as wide as is needed
    • Inhale
    • As you exhale move your hips to the right
    • Inhale back to centre
    • Exhale move hips to the left
    • Come back to centre and hold for 5 breathes
    • Partners hands are a gentle resistance. This will encourage a sacrum and side stretch.
  • Sacrum stretch 2
    • Pregnant mama is in a squat position
    • Hold hands with your standing partner
    • Standing partner has feet in a lunge stance
    • Gently resist your pregnant partners weight
    • Stretch will be felt at sacrum

Lying Pregnancy yoga exercises in the company of partner

Pregnant mum is lying in a recovery position.

This will help facilitate a stretch to the sideline, back and ribs.

Partner has one hand on your partners hip and the other hand on the lower back. Gently press on hips to release hips and rub hand down lower back.

This will lengthen and release the back.

Remember to swap sides.

Birthing ball partner workout

Pregnancy yoga exercises in the company of partner.
Birthing ball partnership workout

If you only have one birthing ball please don’t worry.

Nows your partners chance to tone up the booty and legs. Look at the picture above and remember why you are working out together.

While your partner is doing these birthing ball exercises bend your legs whilst trying to keep a straight back. Make sure your bum isn’t below your knees. Feel the booty burn.

Alternatively these exercises can be done with both of you sitting on a birthing ball and holding hands.

Shake the apple technique partner workout

Im a massive fan of Spinning babies here’s the website if you want to check them out

Spinning babies discuss a technique called, Shake the apple. 

It’s a technique that can be given for 20 minutes by your partner.

It not only helps turn a baby and help them get into a better position, especially if you are aware your baby is in a posterior position or breech.

It also helps relax mums central nervous system, can help loosen the hips and support length to the back limiting backache.

All of which can facilitate more room for baby to turn. 

⚠️  Please note, you are gently shaking the belly

Here’s further directional information from spinning babies

Additional exercises with partner

As well as yoga there are other gentle ways to exercise, with your partner in pregnancy. Such as:

  • Making love
  • Massaging
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Prenatal support classes

Tools to help exercise at home

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere