Positive labor affirmations can be really useful for you at birth. What is an affirmation? What are the 5 best benefits? In this blog I share 3 tips to how to gain more through affirming. Aswell as 11 positive labor affirmations.

What are affirmations?

A statement of the existence to embody through words and thoughts of what you would like to internalise and manifest within.

5 best benefits of affirmations

Affirmations are helpful for preparing the mind to feed the body with the words you choose to believe and internalise.

exercises to bring on labor are ideal for preparing the body to open.

Whereas affirmations can support mental connection, in creating a more grounded feeling within mentally, especially for labor.

There really are many benefits for believing in the words you choose to feed your mind and body.

These are my top 5

  1. Keeps you focused in.
  2. Keeps baby relaxed.
  3. Supports you holistically to birth better.
  4. Maintains a healthy mindset through the powerful words you choose to feed your body.
  5. Helps to keep your energy and feelings safe, strong and guided.

How to gain your best from affirmations

postive labor affirmations written on poster notes
Affirmations written on poster notes

Just saying positive labor affirmation isn’t going to support you if you are not integrating it into your mind heart baby connection. Using it alongside a labor meditation can facilitate much greater power within.

Here are 3 tips to help you gain more through affirmation building.

  1. Can you visualise the meaning of your chosen affirmation?
    1. Really visualise “I trust my body”. Pop poster notes up around your space to really internalise it.
    2. What would that look like to you? Honestly hold that vision within.
  2. How does this new idea feel to you inside you?
    1. By visualising the affirmation within it intertwines and influences how you feel. Notice how you feel from it
  3. Who believes it?
    1. Do you believe the affirmations you say to yourself?
      1. For example; when you believe in the positive words you say to yourself, it affects and influences how you feel. It inadvertently manifests a truth to you within, through feeding this thought back into your mind, and body to connect and resonate within.
    1. This inadvertently helps baby to birth better, by choosing to believe in the words of power you feed within me and the energy that come from it.

11 positive labor affirmations

Do the affirmations you’ve chosen resonate with you? For instance, if the affirmation doesn’t resonate with you, then the chances are, it won’t be internalised within.

My top 11 positive meditations are:

  1. I trust my body.
  2. Inhale ability, exhale resistance.
  3. I believe in my body.
  4. I am brave and fearless.
  5. I inhale to open and exhale to let go.
  6. I can do it, because I am doing it. 
  7. I focus on right here, right now. 
  8. I know quite well that all the strength I need is inside me. 
  9. Every single contraction brings me nearer to my baby.
  10. The ability to give birth is a wonderful gift. 
  11. I am strongly built for birth and my baby and my body knows what to do and when to do it. 

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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