Poco plus review aims to compare poco versus plus Osprey and discuss the pro’s and con’s of using one with regard exercising anytime anywhere, as well as the benefits and limitations of using one as well as highlighting why waiting til age 1 is important.

Why I chose an osprey poco plus review?

poco plus review mum exercising with  carrier
Poco Osprey Mum and baby

Osprey is a reputable hiking company who know their stuff, that well, that my back never felt clammy or sweaty using it.

This is due to the back springy mesh design, which gives a constant flow of air limiting that sticky sweaty feeling.

Back then I walked everywhere. We live in a city, within walking distance of most baby friendly environments, I was always walking to our destination. Because of this, I used it every day for 6 months until i bought a bike at 18 months.

Poco personal highlights for exercising

Sebalicious my son was in a moby wrap for the first year and i discussed the pro’s and con’s of using a moby wrap here

By one year old he was walking, so i found the Osprey was great for putting him in if he got tired, and taking him out when he preferred to walk.

It literally saved my sanity for 18 months as it enabled me to exercise proactively to;

  • Build up postnatal muscles
  • Exercise on the go
  • Save time
  • Navigate the city with ease of accessibility
  • Keeps hands free
  • Be comfortable with it on, as the 2 straps at chest and hip height dispersed the weight evenly so it didn’t feel heavy.
  • Very simple to use and adjust.
  • Great for hiking up hills.

What benefits does the carrier bring?

There are so many benefits that the Osprey Poco bring such as;

poco plus review toddler sleeping in carrier
Sebalicious sleeping in Osprey carrier
  • Designed with a rain and sun installed for UPF 50 + UV sun protection.
  • Comfortable child adjustable seat with double shoulder child harness.
  • adjustable and removable feet stirrups.
  • Removable and washable drool pad
  • Ample storage all over the Osprey, hips, chest, side all within hand reach.
  • Adjustable body size to suit a variety size of adults (up to 6″ of adjustability)
  • Back storage compartment and an external hydration sleeve
  • The weight is varied, from a minimum child weight of 16lbs and maximum including contents and carrier of 48.5lbs.
  • Ideal for outdoor living
  • Great for hiking
  • Comfortable with a 2 strap weight dispersing effect, which enables lightness
  • Certified TUS GV
  • Back springy mesh which limits sweat
  • Easy and simple to use
  • Child is at your head height and can communicate better

Limits of the Poco Osprey

  • If not worn properly can create unnecessary bodily pain.
  • Can easily knock someone else if forgotten that back room is needed, especially in crowded places.
  • There is no head support

What weight does my baby have to be

The guidelines state from 16lbs


⚠️ its vital your baby can hold their head up.

Why use an osprey from 1 year

Theres quite a lot of controversy on the internet about when a child is ready to use an Osprey carrier. I personally wouldn’t advise before one years old. This is because babies are developing rapidly and haven’t become sturdy yet.

When a baby/toddler is in the Osprey, their naturally moving with your stride and when their very small i.e. under one year, they haven’t yet built the muscle strength to withhold certain positions for long periods of time, especially our walking pace and their jarring of neck muscles.

Im not a fan of sit up chairs, walkers or bouncers. These products force muscles that aren’t naturally ready to retain a certain position over a long period of time. This is why babies get up and fall, it’s a natural development need, that every human has to learn as they grow, to nurture resilience and strength within.

If the muscle was able to hold that position it would, but it’s just learning how to use it and up down up down they go, naturally learning, to grow and become stronger with repetition.

When a baby is put in a certain position for long periods of time, it can stagnate their natural muscle growth development. We all grow and act when we are ready. It is for this very reason I highlight

When your child is ready, they will.

The Osprey encourages a sitting position which is great because they can see from your perspective and interact better, but not when babies are so young that they need other activities like tummy time, crawling, rolling, lying in happy baby, pulling themselves up, being able to be curious about the world around them.

Newborn to age 2 is the sensorimotor stage of development as Jean Piaget’s theory discusses.

In forcing an unnatural position, there can be many health problems consequently, later in life.

This is why I recommend from one year. Your baby is only little for such a small window of time please don’t rush it away, embrace the slow pace of life while you can.

Comparison table of Osprey poco versus Osprey plus

Heres a comparison table to conclude the poco plus review of an Osprey Poco Vs Osprey Plus they’re very similar just ones slightly bigger.

NameOsprey PocoOsprey Poco Plus
Age1-3 years
1-3 Years
BeltWaist and ChestWaist and Chest
Capacity 20 Litres26 Litres

AmpleMore than ample
Removable washable partsYESYES
Present pricing and more information Osprey PocoOsprey Poco Plus

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere