Padma Mudra commonly known as mothering lotus is a Mudra for your heart. What benefits can it bring your body and mind and what other meditations can you try? And really what is the underlying magic within for you, of practicing this Mudra? Read on to find out.

Meaning of Mudra lotus visualisation

Padma mudra or pankaj mudra is the Sanskrit name for Lotus mudra.

Its intentions is to open and connect your mind to your heart through a hand gesture to symbolise the opening of the lotus.

Your inner beauty, has no time (age), or cover (aesthetic). It is often referred to, as your “deep soul glow”. 

It cannot be bought just like Lakshmi.

In Hinduism, Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity helps in surpassing material wealth for spiritual progression.

What is the lotus mudra good for?

statue with arms crossed over chest with a lotus flower at heart

The Lotus Mudra helps to release stress and tension as it focuses on improving the fire element of the body.

It is a superb reminder of your inner beauty within and in others.

Benefits of open heart mudra

As i’ve already mentioned Padma Mudra is practiced to connect to the heart chakra (Anahata).

It helps to remind you of your sacred heart energy, full of kindness and love.

The element of this Mudra is air. It can support you to shift and tune into your ability to shine from your experiences of darkness.

It’s practiced intention, is not be affected, by external forces, which are out of your control.

How to do lotus mudra?

To do Mudra lotus bring your palsm together at your heart centre.

Keeping your pinky and thumb connected separate outwards your index, middle and ring finger.

This is the symbol of a lotus flower blooming.

3 meditations to try with mothering lotus

Below are 3 great meditations to do using Lotus mudra and working with your beautiful breathe.

Which one you decide to do, will be relevant to how you are feeling and what you need today.

Meditation 1 Mothering Lotus breathe

Mothering Lotus Breathe is a fabulous one for mums to do.

Theres nothing like a mothers love but sometimes our energy is out of our centre.

This is a great meditation for bringing awareness to your heart through your breathe with the movement of your arms.

Inhale hands move away from the body, exhale hands come back to the heart.

Repeat at least 7 times with your breathe.

Heres a demonstration video here

Meditation 2 Padma Mudra prayer wheel meditation

This meditation also works with the breathe as you inhale to open your lotus fingers and exhale to close.

Here’s a demonstration to Padma Mudra prayer wheel meditation

Meditation 3 Loving Lotus

In this meditation simply hold the open lotus hands at your centre.

Breathe and connect with your heart and breathe.

Ideally done for 5-20 minutes

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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