Mother to son life poem was written a few days after Seb’s 6th birthday. This poem fell from my heart and is a great method for me in growing good mental habits and maintaining good mental health.

Since becoming a mama, poetry has flown freely out of me. I used to write chapters however after a while, I recognised that I was counselling my feelings.

It was a way to offload in a therapeutic style and was personal for my journey. However what I learned from this was that most can share in our experience of being able to feel.

Poetry has a subtle, powerful presence of addressing intense subjects, with very little words needed, to convey emotional conversations, in such gentle style.

Poetry seems to have found a magnet within my thoughts, to process writing differently, motherhood easier, and life less harshly.

I was told in early teenage years that I had a natural gift for writing and to perhaps look at it as a profession, but because I loved writing, I never seen it as a job option.

In my mind, back then I thought you’re not supposed to enjoy your work! It’s work! How wrongs was I!

Im a believer that what’s meant to be, will be and writings definitely found a way back into my life.

Last week another piece of poetry I wrote was published in Uplift Connect Website.

It is an amazing, often emotional journey, being a parent. With questions that often I cannot answer and darkness I understand is necessary for our little lights to journey through, to come through it, a more conscious being.

I feel very blessed and honoured to be given this life changing opportunity of being and growing into your mom.

Mother to son life poem

Mum sitting with newborn baby on chest sleeping
Seb and I at 3 months old
Mother to son life poem
Mother to son life poem
Mum with six year old son
6th birthday

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere