Homemade Kombucha

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is a sweetened fermented tea drink. Also known in Chinese medicine as the ‘Immortal Health Elixir.’

How does kombucha work?

Kombucha works by using a Scoby which is a “symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast” (Google) The yeast and bacteria eat the sugar and change it into ethanol and acetic acid, this is what gives Kombucha its sour taste.

What are the health benefits of Kombucha?

The health claims and benefits of Kombucha are wide. For a more comprehensive and professional read, please see this informative article https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/potential-benefits-kombucha/

The main health benefits are:

  • Detoxification
  • Helps maintain joint care
  • High in probiotics which aids digestion and gut health.

Is there caffeine in Kombucha

There is caffeine in Kombucha. Due to the homemade style, its not clear as to how much is in each bottle.

What types of kombucha do I make?

Blackberry and ginger Kombucha
Blackberry and ginger Kombucha

I make three different tea Kombucha.

I also make a decaf Kombucha which is available upon request.

Green Tea, Assam Tea and a Taylor of Harrogate Black Tea, these can are a plain kombucha.

I also make flavoured Kombucha.

Both plain and flavoured undergo a second fermentation process. This requires a further week of fermenting.

Kombucha takes two weeks to make.

Here is a list of the flavours I make and price list.

Please note, I can make a personal flavour for you, if requested.

Flavoured Kombucha
Flavoured Kombucha

How much Kombucha should I drink?

How much should I drink per day is a widely varied question. I’ve included this informative article for this very question. Check it out here https://www.youbrewkombucha.com/how-much-kombucha-drink

If you are new to Kombucha, it is highly advised to start small, at 120 ml per day. This is to allow your body, to adapt to the new culture.

See how your body feels with it.

Do you feel better for it?

We are all so wonderfully different.

How to store kombucha

Kombucha can be stored at room temperature which will increase the fermentation process and heighten the vinegary taste.

It can also be stored in the fridge which will stop the fermentation and keep the Kombucha fresher and tastier.

Has Kombucha got a sell by date?

Kombucha doesn’t have a sell by date as such, because remember, its fermenting.

The very purpose of fermentation is preservation. It will last a long time.

The variable that will definitely change over time, is the taste. The longer left, the more acid is available leaving a vinegary taste to it.

Keeping Kombucha in the fridge, keeps it fresher and tastier for longer.

⚠️ Do not drink Kombucha

There are many health benefits of Kombucha. However there are also some health risks to consider below, for not consuming if:

  • Pregnant woman as it contains a small amount of caffeine and alcohol
  • Breastfeeding woman as it contains a small amount of caffeine and alcohol

⚠️ Safety and hazards of Kombucha

There is a main safety hazard I would like to point out and is very important to know and that is, explosion ? capability.

If leaving Kombucha at room temperature, make sure you air the bottle every two days. Otherwise the bottle can explode. I have learned this from messy experience.

Keep the bottle in a high cupboard, away from children.

Preferably keep Kombucha in the fridge, to eradicate this hazard completely.

Exploding Kombucha
Exploding Kombucha

Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

2 replies on “Homemade Kombucha”

  1. I recently purchased some blackberry & ginger kombucha and I have to say it delicious.

    I decided to keep it in the fridge as it was so fresh that I wanted to savour the flavour for longer.

    Ginger shoots are my go-to thing, I now have an added goodness to my repertoire. If your were hesitant about Kombucha Dani’s recipe will take away any ‘vinegar fear’
    Looking for to trying the other flavours.

  2. Amazing
    I have been using Komucha self brew for over 20 years and never quite hacked the 2nd brew.

    Now getting a bottle from Dani…
    wonderfull, wild berry and ginger a light fizz and divine drink not just for health reasons.

    Who thought happy gut can taste soooo Yummy?
    With Immunity being on all of our minds this is a mouth-watering product to introduce to the whole family

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