Your intuition in pregnancy can become very strong as your body changes and an intuitive voice tells you what your body needs more and less of, with regard certain exercises.

Trusting by listening to your own body and baby of what you know it is capable of in pregnancy, is key. Pregnancy is a time of tuning out and tuning in.

By trusting your body, using the 5 tools below they can help you to advance your already inner knowledge, of what your pregnancy intuition shares with you. By empowering you through pregnancy and motherhood in trusting your feelings to lead your way.

Table of Contents

    Intuition pregnancy the signs and symptons

    We’ve all read about how a woman found out there pregnant and we all have our pregnancy story

    There’s the obvious signs in pregnancy. That sixth sense before taking the pregnancy test of your body feeling;

    • Cravings
    • Mood swings
    • Fluctuation of body temperature
    • Sickness
    • Tiredness
    • Missed period
    • Feeling tender to touch, especially the breasts
    • Urinating more

    Woman experience pregnancy differently and can share familiar signs, of the body changing and there is no right way in pregnancy, only your way.

    Your inner woman experience is grounded in your intuition pregnancy is fundamental to pay attention too. Not what such and such says or what your mum, aunty, sister, cousins, friends say!

    The only person whose can really listen to your baby and body is you.

    Social pressures and remembering intuition pregnancy

    This leads me on to the social pressures many woman can feel in pregnancy. There seems to be a real need on the internet of comparing and competing. Something that will never support you feel good about yourself. Especially in pregnancy!

    “Shouldn’t do this, should do that”

    “Make sure to eat this, so you only put on the baby weight”

    “Workout really hard! Just because you’re pregnant, don’t make excuses!”

    A few quotes from Pinterest, telling woman what to do in pregnancy! And the frightening part about it is, this is what’s most popular and makes the money.

    Run a mile please!

    We can only ever be in our own body and pregnancy is a great opportunity to switch off social media comparisons, and tune in to see the utter magic of you.

    Because when we are happy and content as a mum, our babies and children generally are too. It’s an energy, an aura around you that sparks a vibe, that is given off by the way you feel. Babies and children are very in tune with this nonverbal communication.

    Being pregnant, can be a very vulnerable time. By listening to your growing body and baby it can help aid and soothe more holistic, long term benefits to the changes that are inevitably part of being pregnant, giving birth and motherhood itself.

    Always remember the self care talk by asking yourself;

    How do i feel today?

    5 Exercise tools to help intuition in pregnancy


    Being still and mindfully present is really key to calming your nervous system with exercise

    Being present with your breathe is the best exercise for your body and is the number one gift for your baby in pregnancy.

    This Kundalini meditation is great for inner focus and moving pregnancy energy of feelings.

    Especially towards the end of pregnancy and the nerves naturally start to feel more anxious towards the birthing date.

    “You’ve got this”

    Pranayama breathing for intuition pregnancy

    lotus flower

    Mothering lotus breathing exercise in pregnancy is a favourite to remember.

    The lotus is a symbol of love, purity, personal growth and kindness

    It connects your breathe and body with your baby, to the universal mother of your beating heart.

    I would recommend practicing this breathing exercise most mornings and evenings in pregnancy and throughout motherhood. It calms, revitalises and soothes the monkey mind.


    How do you feel today? What kind of yoga do you want to do?

    Remember yoga’s essence is stillness through meditation. All this vinyasa and sun salutations were created in the last hundred years to fit in with modernity and the need to go go go, time is money, work harder, mindset.

    Inner growth and enlightenment, ignites from stillness.

    There is no better time than in pregnancy to slow down and listen to your baby and body. Remember the journey, not the race.


    Swimming is a top exercise in heightening intuition in pregnancy. This is due to breathe control needed in the water to hone into your body, via your beautiful belly breathe.

    It’s a very quiet, calm and very earthy in nature exercise to do.

    Swimmings also fabulous in pregnancy, as it acts as a weightlessness effect. Which in turn can improve


    Walking, only ladies prehaps waddling by now, is a fabulous gentle exercise. As it can create inner knowing of what your baby is telling you and how your pregnant body is feeling, as you mindfully and gently walk.

    Moving, breathing, being in your body with your baby, can awaken parts of you, that even you didn’t know existed.

    Intuition of pregnancy can be a very spiritual magical experience, and is a very short space of time, considering the longevity of life itself.
    Embrace it within by tuning in.

    Nobody knows your body better than you. Listen to her and what your babies movements are telling you.

    Sounds so simple huh? Life really is at heart.

    pregnancy intuition quote "There is a greater gift that the trust of others, and that is to trust in one's self. Some might call it confidence, others name it faith. But, if it makes us brave, the label doesn't matter. It is the thing that frees us, to embrace life itself"

    Published by Danielle

    I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere