I changed my thinking it changed my life. Is there a perfect morning routine? Is there only ever one way of doing anything? Really? I know there is a healthier morning routine but what works for me as I grow and what helps me to thrive and be the best version of me for my day ahead, is the way I choose to think about it and asking myself, how does it make me feel?

I changed my thinking it changed my life instigator

people who completed the tushita meditation course
Tushita Buddhist retreat

Nothing in life happens in isolation there’s an action and a reaction which can create change, in time.

What I found really ruffled the feathers and really instigated aha moments of;

I change my thinking, it changed my life

Was in 2009 ending up on a 10 days silent retreat in India. It entailed waking at dawn, sleeping after sunset. Very simple, vulnerable, humbling inner new realisation moments, of buddhist lectures, meditations and silence.

No talking, smoking, alcohol, music, eating or reading what you want. Same food most days, good job I love dhal and rice!

Quite a few people left, but after 10 days of it so much unresolved drama was shown within.

Ever lived in your head for 10 days and listened to your show?

Definitely will be returning one day, because it really was the first step towards being mindfully aware of how I actually feel and how positive thinking and feeding my mind with positive thoughts, affect a happier self.

Happiness is a state of being, just like the thought I have towards it. Observing the negative thought without attaching myself to it, was a powerful lesson to me.

Why Am I feeding this thought? Let it go

In changing the way I react to it, my thinking changed.

Theres positive in negative and negative in positive, if we dare to look deeper.

I changed my thinking it changed my life

By asking and noticing how I felt, it ruffled my thought process and challenged my actions.

I am accountable and responsible for my life and what situation I find myself in.

By inadvertently acknowledging this, I changed my thinking it changed my life.

Theres so much advice on the internet what to do, what to not do, that it can become very complicated in its understanding.

I can only know what works for me and my body. I’ve been living in her for 38 years now. Made more mistakes then I have time or energy to discuss, but the knowledge i’ve learned from this is gold dust.

If you’ve read self discipline is freedom you’ll know that my lifestyle has drastically changed since becoming a mum.

Life is always changing, flowing with it, can help life be as fluid as can be.

I change my thinking it changed my life small steps to change

Woman sitting meditating
I changed my thinking it changed my life

A great and very simple example of this is, going to bed a little bit earlier.

By doing this your body will feel so much more benefited from sleep, that getting up an hour earlier for a healthy morning routine, doesn’t feel like a drag.

I must of heard this advice thousand times before actually implementing it.

Sounds so simple, life really can be, at its essence.

By getting into a new habit of turning technology off and zoning in with a book in bed, this new habit has become a ‘must do’ now.

Because I notice how much better I feel mentally, physically, emotionally, for doing it.

By changing habits which support our ability to manage time more efficiently we can feel better as a result. I wrote about this in fitness tips for busy moms. It has I admit taken many years to reach this space in which I find myself wanting and needing to be good to me.

That wholesomeness that I feed myself, is self love, which flows out around me.

The phone is on silent after 9pm and left in the lounge, so that i’m not picking up frequencies and vibrations throughout the night. I do not look at my phone until I have practiced yoga and had a coffee. Way too many distractions guys!.

I really feel it’s important to be in myself upon awakening and you’ve guessed it, I don’t dig chat first thing in the morning.

How did my thinking change my actions?

mum holding baby mums nose is at babies ear. Smiling and content
One content in the now mum

This change was necessary and life changing.

This photo of one content in the now mum, is how I want to feel in motherhood.

We don’t change a habit unless life shakes us up and the consequences become pretty unliveable.

You ever had a hangover as a mum and realised maybe last night wasn’t worth it after all?!

I remember mine and it was my last! Wouldn’t ever desire to feel like that again with Sebalicious around.

So having a child whose reached that chirpy blackbird age of talking from the minute they’re up, to the minute they sleep and not having that precious hour before they’re up. Really helped me realise how important this quiet, still, yin space is, for me mentally, physically spiritually and emotionally.

I’m so grateful to have this headspace first thing in the morning and last thing at night, to be in me, before me is out there in the ‘mum role.’ Changes the energy for the day improves my mood and reaction button.

My morning routine had to change as Sebalicious grew, because my needs changed.

It is these conscious collective small steps we can choose to make, that can lead to greater changes.

Baby steps create bigger steps to change

I changed my thinking it changed my life and even though id be changing and growing having left Glasgow in 2006 to start university.

In a new city and environment surrounded by new people. Growing out in rehabilitation, away from past haunts.

It was in pregnancy that these serious self love check talks, became real.

Know that change takes time and each little step you choose to take, through time, adds up to big changes.

Night time change your thinking change your life

By beginning at night for your thought process it can encourage a different morning behaviour to change.

For example if I smoke or drink alcohol at night, I notice I do not sleep as well. I am aware I need two coffees before I feel fully awake. I know I won’t be up early or be feeling in the mood to practice yoga.

By becoming aware of the consequences of the behaviour, we can then look at how we can change this.

Because how we behave at night, directs the following morning. When we comprehend how the action creates a reaction and that ultimately it was hands up, my choice to; watch another series, smoke, have another glass, eat the last biscuit, buy online.

Whatever the distraction is, we can learn to be accountable for why we feel what we feel. Which will in time shift our thinking patterns, and create better healthier habits to shine.

I changed my thinking it changed my life. Picture pop a keyboard with the shift button and writing saying "your thinking patterns" Shift

Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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