How does anulom vilom benefit the body? In what way? How do i do it? Mental health is on the rise and with covid changing lifestyles its vital to understand the only control you have is the way you choose to breathe. Your breathe can nourish your baby.

What is anuloma viloma?

Anuloma viloma is a type of Pranayama exercise, commonly known as alternate nostril breathing.

Breathing techniques used in yogi practice, to connect the body and mind, through the breathe.

How does Pranayama anuloma viloma benefit your body?

This type of Pranayama, Prana (life force) yama (control) is vital for life.

It is a kind of yoga therapy that can be done as a meditation to help the body cope with life’s unseen stressors.

“A human can live without food for 40 days, water for 3 days, but air only 8 minutes”


Breathing is fundamental to a healthy functioning body. It’s so overlooked in Western culture even though it is the essence of life and vitality.

Just like exercising at home in pregnancy is key for finding your flow and health.

Nostril breathing is scientifically proven to help the body for improving;

  • Mood
  • Stress levels (noted for supporting people who experience post traumatic stress disorder)
  • Control of emotions
  • A mental calmness
  • Patience
  • Focus
  • Resets the nervous system
  • More understanding of others
  • Oxygen to the brain and heart
  • Healthier flow of energy channels
  • A better sense of holistic wellbeing

How to practice alternate nostril breathing?

picture of nostrils

Using your right hand, place your right thumb to close right nostril.

Index, and ring finger are on your third eye (forehead).

Breathe into your left nostril for the count of 5-9 (find your base)

Close left nostril after inhale with right pinky and open right nostril, as you exhale for the same count you inhaled.

⚠️ Do not hold the breathe when pregnant.

Inhale into right nostril, close with thumb, exhale from left.

This is one round.

Repeat 7-9 times you will notice a difference in your energy.

Notice what you feel and what it does to your energy.

Video of anuloma viloma

Here’s a quick video showing how to do alternate nostril breathing. As you can see your finger positions can be slightly different.

Find what works for you.

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere

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