
“You might be tough…..but trauma will always leave a scar”

Head injury

What happened?

How my awareness started

Belief starts with you


What happened?

 I crashed a scooter whilst intoxicated, in Thailand in 2002 and taken to hospital with a smashed ulnar and a cut to the head.  I was 19 years old and acting irrationally apparently, so they suspected I may have a head injury, and kept me in under observation.

In the UK a mandatory CAT scan would have been carried out. However in a third world hospital, with no insurance at hand, and naive to the procedure of what to do, if I had an accident, my head was stitched up, and the internal bleeding increased. After a week, the staff let me out, handed me 20 Valium, asked me to calm down and stop acting so angry and to rest.

Before the accident
One month prior to the accident, in Bangkok.

 That night back in the hostel, my partner of a whole 2 weeks had had enough of my volatile behavior, and told me if I drunk and took the Valium he wasn’t sticking around. Of course I didn’t care or listen – 19 years old, young, senseless, knew it all attitude.  That night I fell unconscious and into cardiac arrest. The hospital then realized it was a head injury, and cut a third of my skull out, and threw it in the bin.

In the UK it’s preserved for future replacement. I was unable to breathe on my own and consequently on a ventilator for 2 weeks without anesthetic. In the UK, patients are put under local anaesthetic while on a ventilator, to lessen the trauma.

The day my mum arrived at the Thai hospital she described the scene as absolute horror, at the site of seeing me tied to the bed. There were cats roaming freely, and the stale stench of soiled underwear, having not been checked for a week, nauseated the nostrils.

I was tied to the bed due to hitting staff, and manually pulling my trachea out of my throat, which was keeping me breathing. Obviously quite annoying having a tube stuck down my throat, and aware of it, because I was awake and hadn’t been anaesthetised. When i was untied, I waved at the old man who was next to me, in a coma. I often dreamt about this man, and the room we shared, that I remember very little about.

I was then transferred to a private, plush hospital in Bangkok, we drove the journey in an ambulance. On the way my ventilator broke, and there wasn’t a spare, I went into cardiac arrest again, resuscitated and air bagged the rest of the way. A male size trachea tube, too big for my throat, was forced down in order to airbag me.

This was carried out without anaesthetic, and resulted in my “DUH” sounding voice, hence nerve damage to my voice box.

I have no full recollection of any of the events, 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after my accident. These memories are, a patchwork pattern of peculiar perceptions to me, relived through my dreams of despair, in which memories are manipulated.

18 months post accident.
Post accident. Titanium plate fitted, and hair growing.

I couldn’t speak a sound for 3 months, didn’t get a round head for another year, and had a shaved head repeatedly during this period. I underwent speech therapy one to one sessions, for a further 10 years.

I’m sharing this deeply personal experience with the world, because I think it’s important to lay the facts out, of what actually happened to me, before going onto speak about the recovery progress. I’m aware of the idle gossip that has circulated about my accident, but pay very little attention to gossip. The injuries did encase my essence, and succumb my soul. It took me a long time to go through the grieving process.

I came out of the darkness a survivor, not a victim.

I’ve dealt with my demons, and can now sit still with my shadow. I have had the honour of working with such educated, open minded therapists, who continually challenged me, and helped shape the person I am today. I’m happy looking in the mirror today, because,

I have learned, self acceptance.

“Happiness can exist only in Acceptance” George Orwell

How my awareness started.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory” Dr Seuss

My first clear awareness memory after my accident was in Bangkok hospital and my ex was holding my hand and telling me how sorry he was. I could hear him talking endlessly about his promises to do better and bla bla bla. He then lent over to kiss me, and I immediately pulled back and tried to talk.

It was then I realised I couldn’t speak.

But I remember thinking it was ok, because my internal dialogue was still me, the Danielle I knew. I signaled for a pen and paper and wrote down “kissing cousins” and kept pointing at me, and him, and back to the words I had written. He looked at me in total disgust, and in complete confusion and slowly, patronisingly said, “Dann……. We’re not cousins….. I’m (lets call him) Rupert. I’m not your cousin.” I then wrote,”call my brother he’ll tell you”. I laugh hysterically now about this, but at the time, it was a total sense of chaotic confusion at not being able to recognise and realise, who my ex was. Everybody was confirming Rupert’s story, but i was utterly convinced otherwise.

 This is very common for people who have had a head injury to be confused and have PTSD (post dramatic stress disorder) which I’ll be discussing in more depth in future blogs.

My mum was concerned about what my capabilities could be, and she asked me to get up and try walking. I was able to. She asked me to go with her to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror.

“Now Dann i want you to look at what you’ve done to yourself……look at yourself!” As i walked my eyes up and down my body………. noticing the drip in my nose, the massive dent in my head, the lack of hair, my bloodstained scalp, and a ridiculous amount of stitches running round my head. I remember feeling nothing but joy, at the sight of my thighs. “What do you think Dann?”

She asked in such a tone that she expected me to be quite shocked and upset, at what was reflecting in the mirror.

 I wrote down “well at least my thighs are thinner”.

She laughed and said “I see you’ve not lost your sense of humour”

But she also laughed because she realised I was still in there, however the external coverage was looking, at that time.

It is this sarcastic humored attitude of mine that has got me into many a trouble in my life, but it is also the same mental attitude that has kept me determined. With a gritted positive attitude, that one day, things will be different, and it wont always feel like such a struggle.

“Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog” Pinterest

Believe in you

“Belief Condition- So i can believe what i don’t know, but I cant know what I don’t believe” G.Cox

My mum wanted me to get out for some fresh air. We were going to the hospital rooftop garden. We slowly toddled along to the lift. After about 15 meters I realised how exhausted I felt. I’d lost a lot weight. From 8.5 stone to 7 stone…..

hence why my thighs were thinner.

I sat in the wheelchair my mum was pushing, my muscles malnourished and in need of rest. We got out onto the garden and I just remember  the brightness of the sun, and the throbbing headache that ignited my neurons, my head felt like a hammer was hitting it. Couldn’t appreciate the beauty around me, the heat of the air sucked any energy from me, and after ten minutes I just wanted to go back to sleep.

I spent a lot of time sleeping after my accident, this is the norm after a brain injury and is the best medicine for recovery.

I can still recall the severe fatigue I felt, everything was such an effort, even listening was a challenge, because I could sense the nervousness and concerns the people caring for me had, for my future recovery. I knew I’d be ok, because I was aware of my internal dialogue still being present, all the wee characters in my mind were still gabbing away as always. But that expression we convey through speech, I couldn’t communicate. These emotions exploded like a toddler tantrum, in my own wee pity party of frustration, for many years to come. My brain had hit its limit and all I needed was sleep. I slept an average of 20 hours most days, for the first two years after my accident. I was on anti fitting drugs, which knocked any lust for life from me.

I’ll always appreciate my enthusiasm for life now, because I’ll never forget how tired I felt back then. How vitally important, my health is my wealth in happiness, and how invincible, I am not.

I arrived back in Glasgow after sleeping the entire first class flight, on the 9th September 2002, the day of my brothers 18th birthday.  He told me years later, it was the best 18th birthday present. The thought created a lump in my throat full of guilt, for many more years after.

Friends, family, circled around my bed, eyes full of horror and sadness at the damaged Danielle on display. I could hear everyone talking about me, to each other, with so many questions unknown.

“Will she ever be able to talk again?”

“Whats going to happen to her head?”

“How long shes going to be in hospital?”

“Look how thin she is!”

It was such an overwhelming time for everyone, but I remember just feeling furious with frustration. My internal voices were screaming “guys stop stressing! I’m gonna be ok, just let me sleep”.

I knew back then I’d be fine, it’ll just take time…..

I just didn’t realise how long it would take.

I do believe having to watch a loved one go through such a trauma is more difficult, than the person it has directly affected. I still had my mind even though my speech was still silent, I knew i could put a circle shape in the circle hole and count to whatever, but others didn’t and I couldn’t appreciate their seriousness for concern, because my mind was, I realise many reflected years later, in denial.

The problem was, (and still can be) the perception I presented to others, was in conflict to what my state of mind was. Writing was a task, and my need for so much sleep, and inability to make a sound let alone voice a word, was all due to the sheer shock, (also known as P.T.S.D) my body went through.

“The absurdity of life, lies in the nature of consciousness because however seriously we take life, we always know there is some perspective from which this seriousness can be questioned”. T.Nagel

16 years on


Look back as a means to move forward.

I can wholeheartedly say that every year of struggle in life can be perceived as worthwhile. Every year was a different type of teaching. The challenges I had and have, continually change dimension, like life lessons do, and mental battles, rapidly switched sides, before deceasing.

But it is because of this process, of in depth recovery, that I have lost the toddler tantrum attitude, the need to be angry, or even waste my energy on this emotion. 

 Passionate of course, anger, is of no need.

“Sorrows are our best educator. A man can see further through a tear than a telescope” Bruce Lee

He hasn’t hit me Yet

Domestic Violence Awareness

But……he hasn’t hit me……yet.

It’s ok that he demands me to not speak with this person, or wear these clothes, or not go out at night without him…….because he loves me. 

He must really love me when he’s texting me throughout the day, and calling me to ‘check in’ check up, on me. Where are you? What are you doing?. It’s ok that he gets angry every time I talk about my male friends, it’s nice that he ‘cares’ enough to be jealous, it makes me feel that  I’m special, I’m important to him, that’s why he gets angry. 

It’s ok that he took my car key and locked me in the house all night, physically not letting me leave, throwing me on the couch and spitting on me, not letting me use the toilet, unless he was present……..because he hasn’t hit me….. Yet. 

It’s ok that I’ve moved homes six times in my most important year at university, because deep down I can continue justifying this behaviour to myself,  because he hasn’t hit me…………..yet. 

He’s just showing me how much he loves me. 

It’s ok that he gets in a rage when drunk and buys me flowers the next day, all apologetic to my bruised hands that’s have battered the floors and walls, begging for someone to hear my unanswered calls to just………. “let me out, HELP, let me out, HELP”, 

but then find myself apologising to the neighbours the following morning, for the horrendous noise last night. 

Everything’s fine……honestly.

It’s ok that I don’t see my friends anymore, because he tracks my movements and questions me on arrival, it’s ok that I’ve stopped circuit training and socialising outside the home. It’s ok that he calls me a “spastic” and tells me “no one can understand me, stop speaking to everyone” because the only people I see now, are his friends and him. 

“Why do you work so much?, I never see you” “It’s not my fault you fucked up your face, by getting drunk and hitting your head in an accident, “ya brain dead bitch, ha hahahah look what you’ve done to yourself, no one else would have you, 


even your own friends on Facebook mock you, wanna see?”

But it’s ok, he undermines me, my personal relationships and feeds my known shared intimate insecurities, of inner turmoil, creating further chaos within, by stunting my healing journey, and hindering self growth. Because he loves me…….. he hasn’t hit me……..yet.

“What ya doing sitting in knee high snow, smoking a joint, rather than at home?” Have you seen how much weight you’ve lost? Have you seen the bold patch of hair on your forehead? why are your palms so wet? Where are your friends? You don’t speak anymore why? Why’s your items going missing from the house? Why is there no food in the house?”

 What’s happened to………you? Where are……. you? 

That bubbly, bright, wild, beautiful, woman that I know is in there, that you’ve chosen too dull, in order to allow this hate and hurt, to shine ……why do you keep going back? 

Because he’s apologised, because he says he’s going to change, because you love him, because he’s threatened to commit suicide if you don’t come home, because he says he’s nothing without you, because he’s locked your possessions in his cupboard, because he’s sold your jewellery, because he’s ripped up your child memorabilia in the hope you’ll forget who you are, because, because, because, because ……he hasn’t hit you……yet.

 Can you see the shell of you……… yet? 

Can you see the most important piece of your solution, lies within your own mindset of …….but I don’t deserve more. 

Can you see this  ideal picture, ideal person, ideal life that you have in your minds eye does not genuinely exist in reality?  Love can be blind, are your blinkers up now?

Do you now see the shell you’ve become sweetheart and know the love you do not want?  Or are you still in the drama circle of trust me, love me, and justifying this behaviour because……..he hasn’t hit you……..yet?

Can you see your sense of self worth, self love, self acceptance, lends aim to, and feeds another’s hurtful anger or passionate loving, fire? 

How much longer will you put up with this abhorrent behaviour of another human towards you, before you recognise what love, is, not!?. 

When will you start genuinely  sticking up for yourself and assertively stop accepting these energies in…….once they hit you? or before? 

Love is light, length, strength of another. It helps, it heals and can hurt. Healing hurts, change hurts, the truth can hurt, there are hard times in life, because there isn’t one without knowing the other. Is the person building you up, or breaking you down? Are they saying this to help you heal and grow, by breaking you, in order to open you up to the magical space within you?. Or to put you down and ‘keep you in your place’? Are they interested in you and your life,  or only what you can give them? 

Can you see the signs now sweetheart, before it ever reaches the first kiss? Can you give yourself time to heal alone, rather than moving onto the next circled mess. Can you give yourself, respect, love, gentleness, kindness and patience to build YOU back up? To really get to know you, warts and all and see how amazing, you truly are. 

To really understand the love you receive starts within you, with your choices in perception, of acceptance. To see within your sense of self surveillance of beliefs and needs, in the person you are, instead of the ideal. To know through actions of oneself and towards others, the ripple effect, in subconsciously feeding into the mindset of the people, you choose to surround yourself with, what kind of  love you ‘accept’.

Have you reset your bar yet?

A bar in being, that will only keep growing, rather than shrinking YOU and your sense of self.

Do you see your worth? and now know that you are enough, just as you are.

Do you love yourself yet? 

Why did you leave him?……..because……….he hit me. 


Domestic Abuse helplines

If you are reading this and are experiencing domestic abuse, please know there is help out there.

The links and contacts are below.


Change your thoughts, transforms living life

Spread awareness it’s international disability day.

I’d like to share this poem I wrote in the photos below and a wee piece of writing which resulted from my mindset transforming towards the disability I have.
Belief starts with us, it affects our mindset, emotionally, mentally and physically. Speech is similar it’s energetical.

This is a wee sample from a chapter of my will be one day, published book chapter, titled “There is good and bad in everything “

There came a time in my rehabilitation that I had to face the fact that the only person who could really change me was me. The only person who could take responsibility for the choices I continued to make year on year was me, and no amount of whining, transferring, smoking, hurting other people through my actions of self denial, was going to enable me. The only person who could help me, was me.

My next meeting with my therapist I was tearful over a student being nasty to me and miscommunication and I was having a self pity party. Ludovic sternly stopped me because we’d spent many therapy sessions in crying gear. Danielle are you here to offload to me everytime you see me? or are you here to learn how to communicate better? He was short but very effective with his method. I’m not a counsellor he continued, I’m a speech and language therapist. As I tried to get my historical victim but but in, he stopped me.

Now Danielle I’m going to tell you a story of Greek mythology of a trickster called Sisyphus, have you heard of him?
Well he’d wrong the gods, and as a punishment had to push a giant rock up a steep hill every day. When he reached the top of the hill what happened to the rock?

It rolled down the hill.

Exactly Danielle, and he had to repeat the exercise day in day out.
What’s the point of it? What kind of meaning is attached to it? Questions to ponder Danielle. Let me give you another story before we discuss them.

You know the forth road bridge?


Well it’s continually being painted did you know that?


Well you see, once all of its painted because it’s so big once they’ve finished they’ve got to start again. Also due to the nature of water and paint breakdown, it needs to have another coat continually added to it, for maintenance purposes.

What’s the point of it? What kind of meaning do you attach to it? And more to the point, looking me right in my tears eyes, what one are you?
Are you Sisyphus or are you like the forth road bridge?

I’m the forth road bridge. Tell me why?

Because what we’re doing isn’t pointless and counterproductive like Sisyphus, its adding maintenance and substance to aid strength and keep me standing steady, to cope better with the challenging variables in life.

Exactly Danielle!

Now next time you get teary and emotional, remind yourself of why you are here, because when we cry for two hours of a three hour session we are behaving like Sisyphus. Do you get me?

I’m not denying how hard your days are and the battles you face and the torment you’ve received, but you’ve got to start using these experiences as lessons for the next time.

Progress not regress.

I’m wiping away my tears with a fighting face on, yep yep your right Ludo thank you.

Danielle you’ve been left with severe dysarthria, a disability that you may have for the rest of your life. It’s going to affect you as soon as you interact with another human. It may improve, it may not, its 2009 now, seven years on, but what will improve are your coping mechanisms. Scientists simply don’t know enough about the brain to say how your speech will progress, time does.

What I’m here to do is give you as many useful aids, tools, coping mechanisms, for you to deal better with the challenges you’re going to have on a daily basis, to make your life easier and that begins with your belief system.

I can give you all the knowledge and tools I have to help you Danelle but if your going to come in here every time and use up our three hours crying for most of it, how useful is that for you in the long run?

It’s counterproductive Ludo I’m sorry. It’s ok to cry, it’s important to cry, but let’s try next time to work through the cries and find solutions to the problems and build, rather than break down from it.

Have you got friends you can speak to about issues? Have you got a support network at university? What kind of people are you surrounding yourself with? Questions to think about til the next time we meet.

It was at this point in my therapy that a light switched on, it triggered a nerve, it stopped the hysteria and need to wallow in my pitiful self. There’s only so long one can continue down this path before something or someone flicks a switch and ignites a fire again.

Five years was enough.

You’ve got to grow from this Dann. Let’s do more of what lights up that fire. Stop acting like a victim start using what he’s saying as resources and aids. You’re one, strong, sassy woman.

I am the forth road bridge, I ain’t no Sisyphus!

“See me, not my label.”

I feel the importance of sharing this title with you, as I observe it all too often within society.

I have Dysarthria due to a motorbike accident in Thailand, in 2002. If anyone referred to me as “Dysarthria Dann” or as having a “dysarthric daughter”, I’d be mortified, and feel very low in confidence and self esteem as an individual.

Because I am so much more than my medical label. I have so much more to offer than my medical label.  But if that is what is important, my medical label, in order for you, to understand who I am, then all you’re doing is seeing the label, and not me.

How do we challenge and confront prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination, if we need categories and labels to understand a person.

This idea is encouraged within the education system, our peers and the workplace. Every institution needs labels, to categorise and control crowds.  As humans, categorising helps our memory recall and learning.

So when we recognise the roots, and selective useful usage, of labelling, in certain circumstances. We can then choose to limit it, within our life.

I can’t change the world, but I can change the people I choose to surround myself by.

How can we learn without questions?

be open to answering questions

“The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life” Confucious

Please do ask what’s up with my mouth. Do discuss openly with your children, friends, colleagues and family, why I sound the way I do……if you know…..but if you don’t…….just ask.

Why reaffirm an attitude by laughing along?.

Educate on the reality, not the ideal.

How does one learn otherwise. 

Life begins at the end of our comfort zone.

“Don’t tell me what they said about me. Tell me why they were so comfortable saying it around you” ‘pinterest’

So what is up with my mouth? Do you really know? or just like to think you know?

I have heard some comical, over-dramatized explanations, that used to make me very angry, but through time, have learned to laugh at the ignorance.

People will believe what they want to believe.

My job is control my response to it…..This, is all I have control over…….myself.

So here’s some of the myths and rumors out there on the web, that I’ve read and heard, about my mush of a mouth.

  • I was born like this.
  • I have cerebral palsy.
  • I have a paralysed palate.  
  • My tongues twisted.
  • I’m guilt ridden from killing someone in my accident.
  • Or as a special needs teacher described me……. “Yeah I work with a boy just like you, he was brain dead from birth”. You must of found my clone love.
  • And finally, but by no means least…… “just, fucking mental.” As a few charmers have remarked.

And if by “mental” you mean, not fitting into the norm……I am proudly that.

Although the medicalised, mythical whispers, have gained speed and distortion, all the above explanations are incorrect.

I have Dysarthria, which means, limited movements of the tongue and facial muscles essential for speech. I also have Dysphagia when under stress. This means difficulties with swallowing.

These disabilities are the result of a motorbike accident in Thailand in 2002.

 Lifes simple when the facts are clear. 

Share the story, Reduce the Rumours, Turn the Tables.