Padma Mudra how to connect in to reach out

Padma Mudra commonly known as mothering lotus is a Mudra for your heart. What benefits can it bring your body and mind and what other meditations can you try? And really what is the underlying magic within for you, of practicing this Mudra? Read on to find out. Meaning of Mudra lotus visualisation Padma mudra …

How anuloma viloma benefits your pregnant body

How does anulom vilom benefit the body? In what way? How do i do it? Mental health is on the rise and with covid changing lifestyles its vital to understand the only control you have is the way you choose to breathe. Your breathe can nourish your baby. What is anuloma viloma? Anuloma viloma is …

Understanding the times and seasons changing in how you can cope better

Understanding the times and seasons and how they affect your behaviour can help you choose differently in how to cope better with the changing seasons. In this blog I share the coping mechanism tools I use and the ways the season can change behaviour. How the seasons can affect It’s well and truly autumn in …

Baby carrier vs stroller how do I choose the best for me?

Baby carrier vs stroller the decision making often without the experience. In this blog I share questions to ask yourself for choosing. As well as the pro’s and con’s of each to help you decide what is best for you. Questions to ask yourself for choosing? When thinking about a baby carrier vs stroller there …

What do I need baby carrier or stroller?

Baby carrier or stroller the dilemmas and unknown tribulations of your journey into motherhood. Your personality, lifestyle, environment, finances, and physical strength can all play a role in determining what suits you. In this blog I share my thought process of choosing a baby carrier or stroller and why and how I chose. Nesting time …

How to use a yoga block to exercise in pregnancy

Having a yoga brick in your practice is a great tool to have at hand to support height, length, squeeze, and strength. All of which will aid and improve more space, comfort and structural flexibility. In this blog I show you why and how to use a block in pregnancy, to better your practice, as well …

How to improve your Pregnancy posture with exercises

Pregnancy posture exercises are crucial to limit back pain in pregnancy and postnatally. Having good posture is key in helping your overall health. I share 5 exercises for pregnancy posture exercises to improve and help your posture in pregnancy. Why is your posture so important In pregnancy most of back pain is related to poor …

How To prevent Falling With Exercises Through Pregnancy

How to prevent falling with exercises is a useful tool to know especially since 30% of pregnancy accidents are from falling. Prevention is better than cure right?. In this blog I share why falling is so common in pregnancy and 5 useful exercises to practice, so you are stronger and stabler as you and baby …

How to help kyphosis with gentle exercises in pregnancy

Exercises to help kyphosis are a postural lifeline as a mom. It is fairly common in pregnancy and postnatally to experience kyphosis. But what is kyphosis? and what exercises can you do safely in pregnancy to prevent it? This blog is here to explain, with extra tips to keep in mind to limit kyphosis increasing. …

How to help your neck pain with pregnancy exercises

There are many reasons why you’re experiencing neck pain with pregnancy and there are many tips and helpful pregnancy exercises that you can do, to help neck pain. This blog is here to share why neck pain is common in pregnancy, with exercises, tips and products, that can help ease neck pain with pregnancy exercises. …