The benefits of Apana Mudra in labor comes from the meaning and intention of this Mudra. In this blog I share what is Apana Mudra and what are the benefits? And why it’s the best Mudra to try in labor.

What is Apana Mudra?

How to do Apana Mudra?

Apana Mudra hand demonstrating how to do
How to do Apana Mudra

To do Apana Mudra:

Bring both your thumbs, to touch the ring and middle fingers.

Keep the other fingers straight.

Hold this finger position.

Breathe deeply.

Try staying in this Mudra for half an hour.

If you find this timeframe challenging, try to do between 5 and 20 minutes twice a day. 

What is the meaning of Apana Mudra

“Apana Mudra is a subtype of Vata located in the lower half of the body.

Mudra is gesture/seal/mark/pose”

The best benefits of Apana Mudra for pregnancy

If you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed, with regard, to your mindset of the what-ifs of labor and contractions. It can be a great tool to use to help you focus inward.

It works by connecting to downward energy in your body and powers the root chakra, by focusing energy in and down.

This encourages the body to release emotions healthily, supporting you to cope better with stressful situations.

Use Apana Mudra alongside practicing calming your nervous system down with pregnancy exercise

The best Apana Mudra benefit for labor?

This is a highly recommended Mudra for preparing for delivery and can be done in labor too.

Using a labor meditation alongside can strengthen this Mudra internalising.

The reason for this is it directs the water and spacial energy downwards.

Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere