Baby carrier vs stroller the decision making often without the experience. In this blog I share questions to ask yourself for choosing. As well as the pro’s and con’s of each to help you decide what is best for you.

Questions to ask yourself for choosing?

When thinking about a baby carrier vs stroller there are questions that can help make the decision.

I discussed my internal thought process in what do i need baby carrier or stroller but often indecisiveness of especially a first time mom, and not yet in that ‘ mum role’ yet, to fully comprehend how useful or useless some baby transport accessories can be for your function.

Asking questions like;

  • What am I using it for?
    • Shopping?
    • jolly to the park?
    • exercise?
    • meeting up with friends and family?
  • How often will I use it?
    • Once a week?
    • Everyday?
    • Anytime you leave the house?
  • Am I mostly a walker, driver or public transport kinda gal?
    • What type of carrier is going to be best for my transport purposes?
  • What will it help me with?
    • Navigating and negotiating the city?
    • Getting into the city maybe you live rural
    • Exercising and where? in a forest, up a mountain in a park etc
    • Shopping
    • Socialising
  • What transport accessory is going to encourage me to feel confident, capable and calm using?
    • What kind of carrier really works for me and my personality?

Pro’s of using a baby sling

  • Keeps your hands free.
  • Babies happy as they’re close to you.
  • Light Travel
  • Easily stored
  • Proactive exercise and strengthens isotonic muscle movement which helps tone your postnatal body.
  • Easy to transport
  • Ideal for breastfeeding
  • Can have a variety of holds
  • Ease of Access to a bus, lift, stairs.
  • Communication is better understood.
    • Your babies so close, you are aware of their breathing and movements.
    • They can feel your energy and heartbeat and this can help them too safe.
  • Affordable
  • Variety of options
  • Unisex
  • One size fits all
  • Can be used from birth.

Con’s of Moby wrap

  • Can feel heavy if used for a long time
  • Can become sweaty and hot
  • Having to retie the knot as you walk
  • Baby can fall out if not tied properly
  • Baby can suffocate 0-4 months. Really important to learn how to use it before putting baby in. Here’s a moby wrap tutorial video to help you learn before baby comes.

Pro’s of pushchair

Please note there is a difference between pram stroller pushchair.

For all intentions of not getting bogged down in semantics and linguistics, the following pro’s are for 3 in 1 purpose and are designed to last from newborn up to 3 years.

The pro’s of having a 3 in 1 are;

  • Storage
    • Can carry a lot especially shopping.
  • Great for running with
  • Longevity and durability
    • Will last til your babies running.

Con’s of pram

  • Access is limited
    • Lifts, stairs, buses, cars
  • Encourages rounding of the shoulders as its a front facing movement if pushing a lot which won’t limit kyphosis with these exercises
    • The pushing motion puts extra strain on the back especially if not counteracting these all day movements with exercises to help back pain
  • Doesn’t encourage proper isotonic muscle use as its the shoulders and hips that do most of the pushing.
  • Space
    • Bulky and space consuming.

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Published by Danielle

I am a certified yoga teacher and have been practicing yoga for over 12 years. I have an honours degree in Sociology whereby I carried out research into peoples eating habits. Fitness and food are my forte. Become a mum in 2015 I combined everything I continue to learn and started  Exercise Anytime Anywhere